Bell / Dorje / Vajra

Get the Best Tibetan Dorje / Vajra and Bell at Nirvana Mala

The bell (Drill-Bu) and Dorje/ Vajra are considered one set of items in Tibetan culture. Tibetan Bell is struck with Dorje to produce the ring, unlike other bells with a small ringing mechanism.

Tibetan Bell and Dorje are widely known for their calming and therapeutic sound. The sound wave from a bell rung by Dorje/ Vajra is said to ward off evil and produce a layer of protection from the evil in its immediate vicinity.

At Nirvana Mala, you can get the Dorje/ Vajra handcrafted by some of the best artisans from Nepal. We are, after all, one of the largest wholesalers of ritual accessories in Nepal!

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